Sunday, March 21, 2010


saya bukan penyanyi..pelakon pun tak...saya bukan model..saya pun bukan sape sape...saya cuma seorang budak yang baru nak tajuk di atas hanyalah gimik murahan..hehe tapi walaupun bukan artis, ada jugak org nk bagai award...glemer gitu.hahahaha award ni daripada cik gadis, melatidaisy, buzzy and z

beautiful blogger?? beautiful ke? macam tak layak jer..hehe

Here are the rules to accept the award :
1. Thank & link the person that gave you the award
teng kiyu especeli to cik gadis, melatidaisy, buzzy and z bekoh give me thih award..i feel so happy good luckie bekoh thih is my sekend time i got award...i bery aperised thih award...teng kiyu againg.

2. Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think are fantasti
fantastik? all my pren is bery i don know how shuld i give thih award..err i give thih award to you all...okeh teng kiyu..

3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they've won the award
err i don have their phone number to kontek..sory..

4. State 7 things about yourself.
1- i bery shy boy...shy shy cat...

2- i like kolekting eberyting wat i stam...koin...and bla bla...bla..

3- sometime im a simple persen..and sometime im a bery bery compliketek..

4- im low englih..low arabik..but im strong in malay...

5- im bery fobia at blood...if anybody eksident, i will go and go..sory...

6- i hate bus..bekoh my head will be pain if i take a bus...

7- tomorow i will start my bery scary...

huh...satu penyeksaan untuk menjawab 7 soalan dalam bi....sape sape nk belajar bi ngn aku jangan malu malu bertanya..borang permohonan di sediakan...hehe


mohad said...

entry yyang menarik..

Pemilik Cinta said...

hamboi... english band 14 nih.. nk blajo jugak.. hihi

♫::: m[e]n!t! s[e]nja :::♫ said...

merebak kuat gak award ini...

fat said...


chokio_nia said...

bery..haha..comey sungguh